Monday 14 April 2014

A Guide to Improve the Indoor Air Quality of your House

Many of us are not aware of the fact that we need to maintain the quality of the indoor air of our house. We are living a myth that, we come to a safer and cleaner environment when we get inside our house. The hue & cry of increasing air pollution does not only imply to the air floating outside your house. The air that you are inhaling inside your house could also be harmful to your family. 

Now you know it

It has been proved that the air inside your house is five times more polluted than the air outside. The pollution level increases due to many factors. We do different kind of chores, we consume different food items, we use products made of different materials inside our house. We spend a huge portion of our life inside our homes. So it is a major concern to keep the quality of the indoor air fresh and healthy. If you fail to do so, your family will be exposed to different allergens. The pollutants which are present in the air should be taken as health concerns. The longer you stay inside, the higher you are susceptible to health issues.  
Keep an eye on that Filter

The filter of the furnace is an integral part as it releases clean air through the vents. The filter helps in improving the indoor air quality of the house. It is very important to regularly clean the air ducts of the heating system of the house.  Even the new homes have the possibility of carrying more dust particles than an older house.  You need to keep track of when the filter should be replaced with a new one. Every home requires different planning and time duration to service the furnace and filters. 

Cleaning From ceiling to flooring

Dust allergens are practically invisible to the naked eyes. They are floating inside your household since many years without getting noticed. It is advisable to vacuum clean your house upside down. A vacuum cleaner will help you get rid of dust mites, allergens and chemicals. It is very important to regularly vacuum the walls, carpets, furniture and each and every corner of your house.

A regular moping of the floors can not only give you a fresh feeling, but it will also help in the reduction of dust allergies. Many use soaps and floor cleaners while moping. But experts say that even the use of clean waters can be useful. You can go for the microfiber mops to get maximum effect.

Keeping a sizeable door mat at the front gate will reduce dust particles, chemicals, dirt and other kind of pollutants from getting inside. You should also have a norm for every family member and guest to leave their shoes outside the entrance.

You need to take special care if you have pets with furs. Make them to take regular baths and maintain their hygiene. Clean their beds and eating bowls.

Walk the talk

If you remain exposed to polluted air for a longer period of time, you become vulnerable to many health adversaries that may affect you in the long run.  You should not gamble your life with so much high risk of getting a long term injury by dust allergens. People who suffer from asthma, children and elderly people carry the highest risk of getting infected by indoor irritants. You need to keep a constant fight to improve the indoor air quality of your house. Many companies specialize in keeping the quality of the indoor air checked. You can hire their services for a living a better lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks sharing your knowledge and ideas regarding household air quality. As a homeowner it's been a great healthy tips to maintain indoor air quality as well as to have a good impression of ourselves to our visitors.

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