Friday 18 April 2014

Dos and Don’ts while counseling with online psychic readers

Online psychic reading is not very new thing but it is not very old either. Earlier psychic reading was done only with the physical presence of the client or over the phone. But with the progress of technology, internet has helped in a big way to minimize the gap between the counselors and the potential patients. Today, counseling may be done over the chat or via email from any corner of the world, at any time of the day.

Difference between psychic reading and other services
It will be wrong to assume or compare psychic reading services to other kind of online services. This is because the online psychic reader can know it beforehand what the client is going to rate or what answers he is going to provide. So, it is important that being a client you should provide a good rating and testimonial to the online reader.

Always give a positive feedback
A gifted reader, for example from a reputed network like psychic source may predict a negative thing about you. Since it is negative, you may be disappointed and give the reader a negative rating too. But it is known to the expert reader beforehand what your reaction is going to be. So, he may lie to you to make you happy and get a good rating. But that’s not what a genuine counselor would do. So, it is necessary that even if you face negative predictions, you should take it positively and give v appositive feedback about your counselor.

Make a checklist
You should make a virtual checklist for finding professional services on the internet. Look for professional networks like psychic source that has a genuine team of experts trained in the science of reading. Look for places that have got a great feedback from readers and users. If possible contact a few satisfied clients personally and get some genuine feedback from their experience with the counselor who you are going to hire.
You should make some blind trust. It is not like you should have blind faith on everyone. But once you have done your bit of survey and come across one genuine service provider, you should begin to trust that psychic source for getting a genuine review about your problems. It is always good to trust you gut feelings. Once you do that, enjoy the process with an open mind and you will experience a better service.

Check your budget
Genuine services will cost you some bucks. Be prepared for that. All good things or services on earth come with a price tag. Generally, good counselors charge you by the minute. Do your homework and know what a counselling will actually cost you before getting into a process of consulting.
Always remember one fact- genuine counselling services will never promise you free reading. They will not advertise colorful and impossible things to lure more clients to get their services. When the services are genuine and actually good, it needs no advertising as such. Keeping these things in mind will definitely help you in getting a good counselor for yourself.

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