Friday 18 April 2014

Psychic Touch

In psychological study, Psychometry is a prime psychic source of Psychic Touch. It is the study of finding a way of "seeing" a particular thing which is not easily visible. It is one psychic source to know about the past, future, past ownership, color, history and images. Let’s try to know how this can be carried out.

A brief about Psychometry:
Etymologically, "Psychometry" has been derived from Greek words which means ‘measure of soul’. The term was first coined by Joseph R. Buchanan in 1842. From his experiments, he theorized that all objects have "souls" that retain a memory. Later, the theory was applied in diverse medical fields. In early 20th century, a German doctor had successfully discovered psychometric abilities. With the help of an object, his one patient stated facts about the object's past and present and described sights, sounds, smells and other feelings about the object.
Psychometry is a strong psychic ability. Through this, a person can sense or "read" the history of an object by touching it. By this act, one can get impression or perception about the real personality of a human being.

The process of Psychometry:
Psychometry is the ability to read the energy of an object by sensing touch. The objects are generally composed of atomic particles. For the extraordinary vision, some people use a crystal ball, black glass or sometime the surface of water. With the sense of touch, the experts can read the mind of a people. These particles may project quite a lot of types of energies such as magnetic, cold, heat, electrical and physical natural impression or others. Initially, the objects only appear to be solidity. Later, the psychic ability helps to gain the energy level, by which one can sense the appearance of solid mass. For example, with help of heat energy, one can feel the warning coming from a person. The body is the main detector in this process. The hand has a strong role here too. Since the left hand is connected to the right brain, it gives creative imaging resides. However, it is important to note that which hand is dominant and most sensitive to carry out the experiment. Remember that you should never use the dominant hand to hold an object or touch and object for psychometry purposes. It may mislead whole the task and you may run the risk of imprinting your energy level. Use only the receptor hand.

Who can carry out
It is not very easy to do psychic reading. One must have necessary abilities to do the same. To be a psychometrist, a person should have requisite psychometric abilities to derive the psychic source. He is able to tell about the history and about the past experiences of a person. Not only that, the psychic can sense the emotions of the person at a particular time. Some people use eye imagery and can sense the future of a person.
To become a good psychometrist, one needs to undergo a rigorous practice and a depth study of Psychometry. Card experiment has become popular for psychic reading now-a-days.
Extra Sensory Perception
Extra Sensory Perception is another psychic source from which extra senses of perception can be assumed beyond the physical senses. Popularly known as sixth sense, it is the reception of information sensed with the mind. For the psychic reader who wants to further build up their sense abilities, this is the basis of psychic ability.

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